Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pre-Training Assessment

Well, I started running on Monday. From here on out its nothing but running and hydrating until November. I ran two miles on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday I ran my first mile in 6:44 and my second mile in 8:54. I was very dissapointed in myself because I ran out of breath after the first mile and had to take a break for a minute in between. Worst yet I cramped up on my way back and had to walk parts of the second half. In total I ran 2 miles in 16:48 mins and hurting.

I told my buddy Nick about it and he was fairly supportive. He made me realize that I shouldn't be doing any mile under 8 mins on my first run. So yesterday I ran the same route at a deliberately slow pace. I ran the first leg at 8:50 mins and the second at 8:39 mins. I took a 26 sec. break to take my pulse but I didn't really need it, maybe tomorrow I'll take it while I'm running. Near the end I felt so good I sprinted the last three blocks. My heart rate hardly went up.

I feel a little better now than I did after Tuesday's run. Now I just have to get into shape to start a training schedule. I've looked up a few online and realize that most of them start with 4 mile days. So that's where I need to be by the beginning of March. If I can do two miles on my second day without collapsing I think I can get it up to 4 miles within a week. From there is when it gets hard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You awake before the dawn
Get on all your gear
it's a little cold out to day
but don't let that get in your way
Your running shoes are feeling just right
and you had all your carbs to fuel your flight.
This is your last LONG run until the Big Day.
So focus on your pace and make sure you stay in the race
Shoot for your PR and 26.2 won't be all that far

(Peter Alexander)